Fern-tastic Ferns
You have probably seen these plants sprouting up from the forest floor before. But do you know how old they are? How to spot one on a hike? Or what they have to do with dinosaurs? Let's find out!
Bats: Hunters of the Night
Did you know that there are over 1,400 species of bats living on every continent except Antarctica? In Washington State alone, there are 14 different species of bats!
Bats are amazing because they are the only mammal that can fly, they navigate in the dark using sound, have incredible immune systems, and keep bug populations under control! Let’s learn more about these nighttime flyers.
Spider Season
Fall in the Pacific Northwest means spiders! They have a reputation for being scary predators who want to bite us, but they actually tend to be shy creatures that like to stay away from us and help eat pests, let's see what else they do!
Super Salamanders
When you are walking in the forest, you are probably never more than a few feet away from a salamander. Let's learn more about these little critters and what makes them so cool!
Prairie Pals
Washington prairies are home to an extremely diverse array of plants and wildlife, many of whom can only be found here. Come meet some of the familiar faces!
Pacific Chorus Frogs
Come learn a little more about Washington's Official State Amphibian!
Otterly Awesome
Sea otters live in kelp forests and are essential to keeping them healthy! Learn how they stay warm in cold waters, hunt for yummy treats, and help steward kelp forests, just by being themselves!
Beavers Save the Day
Beavers are North America's largest rodent, and they are having a large impact. They build dams, eat plants, and fight fires! Find out how in our new lesson.
Plant Defenses
Plants are yummy and nutritious treats. To stop others like large herbivores, insects, and bacteria from eating them, they have a range of defenses! They don’t run away but that doesn’t mean they can’t protect themselves from predators.
How to plant a tree
Trees are an essential part of our lives. They care for us, give us a place to rest, clean air to breathe, healthy soil, a beautiful environment, they keep us cool in the summer and warmer in the winter, they filter our water, and provide homes for birds, bugs, squirrels and us! We would not be able to live without the care they provide which is why we care for them back. Planting trees is one way to do that.
Growing Tall
Have you ever thought about how trees grow? Trees grow from the tippy-top of the tree (called the the apical meristem) to reach for the sun. Trees grow from the tips of branches to grow out to reach the sunlight and spread their seeds farther. And, trees grow from the tips of their roots to reach water and nutrients.
Pollinators of the Night
A world of activity happens at night, nightlife of flowers, when you're going to bed, moths are coming out and taking over where the bees were working all day to pollinate flowers.
Bees Are Back
Bees are all around us, and even though they are little they help us and most others have food. Life on earth would not be possible without bees. Most plants rely on bees to make seeds and bear fruit.
Birds Abound
It's Springtime and the birds are really out in full force. This lesson teaches you about bird watching and showcases other awesome information and stories about our feathered friends.
Waking Up
Spring in the Northern Hemisphere means Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. By this time, the Earth’s tilt allows the Sun’s rays to hit Earth equally on both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. When the Earth tilts farther to one side or the other we get Summer and Winter.
Going Dormant
It's Winter time and trees have lost their leaves. Many animals have gone into hibernation. This seemingly uneventful period could be considered a dormant period but there is much more at work than meets the eye.
Watching the Weather
Our planet has weather cycles. These short term changes in the atmosphere cause clouds to form and rain to fall. Climate is over long periods of time. Climate averages are usually 30 years of data for a particular region.
Soil Connections
In this lesson you can learn more about how trees communicate with one another through fungal networks in our soil. We also dive into mushrooms and human to human communication.
Exploring Nature
Our "Exploring Nature" lesson features heaps of information about Douglas Fir trees, sensory experience prompts, and fun activities you can try at home.