If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you have probably seen these plants sprouting up from the forest floor before, making our forests feel lush and full. Let's learn a little more about them!
Western Sword Ferns, also known as Polystichum munitum or pala-pala in Lushootseed have had a place in the Pacific Northwest for thousands of years, and coast salish communities use them for pit ovens, medicinal purposes, berry drying racks, floral displays, landscaping, and more!
Ferns in general have been around since the dinosaurs!
Bats flying
Here! They thrive in our rainy state and all the way from British Columbia to California and as far east to Montana.
They are great members of the forest, here are a few ways they contribute:
With your adult, print this guide and see if you can spot a sword fern!
Click and drag on the letters below to highlight the words you have found!
Test what you learned in this quick quiz!
Bats flying at sunset.
One thing we can do is can plant sword ferns in our yard or similar understory plants.
Click the link below to learn how to plant understory plants with our friends at Pierce Conservation District!
Thank you to
Forest Health Watch for helping us make this video!
Bats flying at sunset